If you are interested in computer history, visit the Computer History Museum in Mountain View! The Computer History Museum is located in Mountain View, CA, and is dedicated to preserving computer history. The museum has a collection of over 12,000 items on display, including the original Apple I computers. Visit this link for more information.

The Computer History Museum is a must-see for anyone interested in the history of computing. The museum is located in Mountain View, CA, and features exhibits on the history of computing, from the early days of mainframes to the personal computer revolution. The exhibits are well-designed and interactive, making it easy to learn about the history of computing. The museum has something for everyone, whether you’re a tech geek or just curious about how computers have changed over the years. It’s a great way to spend an afternoon, and you’ll come away with a new appreciation for the technology we use daily. See here for information about Mountain View’s Magical Bridge Playground: A Place for All Abilities.

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