Do you remember the first time you went to a playground? You felt like a kid again, climbing the monkey bars and racing down the slide. Mountain View’s Magical Bridge Playground is designed for children of all abilities to play together and have fun! Information can be found here.

Magical Bridge Playground is an inclusive playground for all children, including those with special needs. The playground features a variety of sensory play areas, swings, slides, and climbing structures. There is also a quiet area for children who need a break from the stimulation of the playground. The playground is fully accessible and provides an enjoyable and safe play environment for all children. The Magical Bridge Playground was founded by Olenka Villarreal, whose own daughter has special needs. Olenka saw the need for an inclusive playground where all children could play together. With the help of donors and volunteers, she was able to make her dream a reality. The playground has been open to the public since 2015 and has become a beloved community resource. If you’re looking for a place to take your kids to play, check out the Magical Bridge Playground! Discover facts about Baylands Nature Preserve: A Beautiful Place to Visit in Mountain View, CA.

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