Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, the Moffett Field Historical Society Museum in Mountain View, California, tells the story of the nearby historic airfield and its significant contributions to the defense of the nation. More can be found here.

The Moffett Field, Historical Society Museum, is dedicated to preserving the past, present, and future of America’s rich aviation history. Founded in 2000, the museum offers an abundance of interactive displays, photographs, and artifacts related to the former Naval Air Station Moffett Field, aka ‘Moffett Field Moffett.’ This historical site was once home to the United States Navy, the U.S. Coast Guard, NASA, and the Fleet Air Arm of the British Royal Navy. The exhibit features a wide range of artifacts, including historical models of aircraft, helicopters, military uniforms, and artifacts, as well as artifacts from the infamous airship, U.S.S. Macon. The museum also features a collection of military letters and records related to the establishment and growth of the Naval Air Station. In addition, the museum contains documents and photographs related to the famous Blimp Hangars, a unique architectural and military marvel of the 1930s. With an impressive and diverse collection of artifacts, the Moffett Field Historical Society Museum offers visitors the opportunity to learn about California’s incredible legacy of aviation innovation and contributions to national defense. Located near the border of Mountain View and Moffett Air Force Base, the museum showcases a variety of interactive displays and programs. Click here to read about The Golf Club at Moffett Field in Mountain View,  CA.

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