If you are looking for a fun day out with the family, Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo is the place to go! Located in Mountain View, California, this museum is an excellent place for kids of all ages. You can explore exhibits on nature, science, and history. Admission is free for kids under three years old. Visit this link for more information.

The Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo is a fantastic place to bring the kids for an afternoon of fun. There are several things to see and do, and the personnel is always ready to assist in ensuring that everyone has an excellent time. The zoo area of the museum contains numerous distinct species, including primates, reptiles, birds, and mammals. In addition, the junior museum has interactive exhibits on themes such as Palo Alto history, physics, and ecology. The Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo also includes an outside play area where children may explore and run around. The Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo are well worth a trip if you’re searching for a fun-packed day with the family. See here for information about Shoreline Amphitheatre: A Fun Place to Enjoy Music in Mountain View, CA.

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